Saturday, April 23, 2011

SitRep Saturday: Vampires!

A "sitrep" is a situation report, and I thought it would be a good idea to report on the writing situation once a week. It will keep me honest and keep me accountable, and knowing that I'm going to have to report on my progress once a week should (I hope) keep me motivated. There's nothing quite as motivating as the desire to avoid public humiliation. 

This week, I managed to come up with a half-page summary of the novel, as well as one-line summaries of the main plot and the two sub-plots I hope to develop. I then wrote out one-line summaries of each chapter, and listed the events that need to take place in each chapter in order to make that summary accurate. I typed up the very, very minimal "drafts" in my word processor. 

After that, I just started action-drafting with chapter one. Chapter one's action-draft is 2,131 words long; chapter two's is 2,891; and chapter three's is 1,776. 

I was feeling a bit burnt out by the time I got to the chapter three action-draft, so I plan to review it before I move on to chapter four. 

In an action-draft, each word equals about two or three words in the final draft, so I'm hopeful about making my word count goals. 

Since this is all about accountability, I'll confess here that I hope to have the novel finished and ready to go by June 30.

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