Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Miscellany

Seeing all the swapping of guest blogging, and submitting questions to author Greta van der Rol for an author interview, has me seriously considering inviting guest bloggers. I can think of four fellow writers I would like to ask, and that's just off the top of my head. I even have vague ideas for what I would like to ask them to blog about. I just lack the courage. I'm sure that one night soon I'll have a couple of drinks and think, "To hell with it! The worst that can happen is they say no!" and I'll shoot off some emails or DMs. Alcoholism is bad, kids. But losing a few of your inhibitions isn't always a bad thing.

My writing goals this week are as follows: I want to finish the final round of pre-beta'd edits of Cowboy, finish the interview questions for my artist friend Kelsey and get those to her, and start the blog post series on self-publishing. I also want to work up a few more elevator pitches and pick out at least two more lines from Cass Gets Her Kicks to make my Twitter promotion slightly more successful. I would really love to see at least one Smashwords book page hit a day. (By the way, coupon code TS42L is good for another three days!)

Setting reasonable goals and taking baby steps are probably my top two tips for being productive.

Speaking of baby steps, my baby took two steps last night. The kid can walk, she just won't. She did the same thing when she was learning to crawl. And when she learned to roll over. She has it so good, what with being carried all over whenever she wants, that I can't really blame her.

Just before bed last night, I tweeted about wanting a vacation. I may queue some posts and take a few days off from the computer in the near future. This morning, I signed up for Hootsuite. Automating promotion-only tweets is, of course, a bad idea, but I'm hoping I can figure out how to use it and automate several days' worth of personal and professional tweets. That way, I won't feel guilty when I do take a few days off.

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