Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Miscellany: Writing, Reading, Weather

I've finally figured out how to fix the last 3,500 words of One Good Cowboy, so editing is going much smoother now. Blah blah blah. You'll believe it when you see it, won't you? I don't blame you.

Dear readers, I have caved. Let me say first that I have nothing personally against books on the important bestseller lists, it's just that in my experience, they're not my kind of books. Except I've heard rumblings about The Hunger Games since it first came out and it has always sounded like my kind of thing. Then it got wildly popular and I shied away. The last two wildly popular books I tried to read made my brain hurt. Over the last few weeks, I've revisited the Wiki page and the reviews and I took the plunge. Whoo, boy, am I glad I did. I'm about a quarter of the way through it and I am engrossed. So if you're wary, don't be. It's a really good read.

You know what else is a good read in a totally different way? Candlelight Sinner. Yep, I'm still reading it. Tom and Celia are such normal characters. I mean this in the nicest way possible. It's vaguely voyeuristic, like watching your neighbor across the hall and her new boyfriend settle into their new, happy life. I'll have more thoughts in the proper review, I just wanted to plug it again.

The weather is so, so nice right now. The kiddo and I are getting out of the house for a couple of hours in the middle of the day just to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air and to touch trees. She's a little hippie, I don't know what else to tell you.

I am determined to get some blog posts up this week. I have a couple of pages of titles and subjects scribbled into a notebook and if I don't write them, I'm going to get way, way behind. Wish me luck? Please?

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