Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Miscellany: Book Release, Rewards, Work To Do

Guess what's out? One Good Cowboy! Yes, I finally finished! I'm pretty happy with it. It's nothing at all what I thought it would be when I first started it (four months ago), but it's good. I'm proud of it. And now I can be done with it.

Until April 9, you can get it for free at Smashwords with coupon code XE88V.

I'll be updating my website, of course, with a sample and the summary, and I'll have that for you here later on this week, too. But for now, I'm trying to get caught up on some other stuff.

And I'm indulging in my reward. Oh, yes, I am.

See, I finally caved and read The Hunger Games. And then, on Saturday morning, I left my husband and daughter alone together in order to go see the movie. I haven't been to the movies alone in two years, I haven't sat through a whole movie in the theater in a year. It was quite a treat for me and it was well worth it. I've been just dying to read the next book, Catching Fire, but I wouldn't let myself get it for my Kindle until I was done with this cowboy. Well. Now I'm done and now I have the book. I've been reading snippets all afternoon. It's fabulous. I completely understand the appeal.

While I was formatting One Good Cowboy for Smashwords, I took screenshots of every step. I'm going to squeeze a week's worth of how-to posts out of it, so check back for that. If you use Open Office and have trouble getting your book to look the way you want, I might be able to help. Of course, I still have four book reviews to do, a couple of editorial-like posts, and a handful of other posts on finding the time to write, expanding your vocabulary, and being inspired. We'll get there. Now that this story isn't consuming my every waking moment, I can move on.

If it ever takes me four months to make 8,500 words work together, I just might shoot myself.

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